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Running Validator Node

Deploying a validator node? Read this first

If you are deploying a validator node, then make sure to read the Node Requirements first.

Install Validator node


The following guides provide step-by-step instructions for running public fullnode, validator node, and validator fullnode for the Aptos blockchain.

Configure Validator node

Connect to Aptos network

After deploying your nodes, connect to the Aptos Network.

Set up staking and delegation pool operations

After connecting your nodes to the Aptos network, establish staking pool operations to add your node to the validator set.

Similarly, conduct delegation pool operations for APT delegated to your validator. Your node will start syncing and participating in consensus.

Test Validator node

After your nodes are deployed and configured, make sure they meet node liveness criteria.

Install Validator fullnode

Note that many of the same instructions can be used to run a validator fullnode in Aptos:

  • If you use the provided reference Kubernetes deployments (i.e. for cloud-managed kubernetes on AWS, Azure, or GCP), then one validator node and one validator fullnode are deployed by default.
  • When using the Docker or the source code, the fullnode.yaml will enable you to run a validator fullnode.
    • See Step 11 in the Docker-based instructions.
    • Similarly, if you use source code, see Step 9 in the source code instructions.