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Using Docker

This is a step-by-step guide to install an Aptos node using Docker. Follow these steps to configure a validator node and a validator fullnode on separate machines. Use the fullnode.yaml to run a validator fullnode. See Step 11.

Before you proceed

Make sure the following are installed on your local computer:

Note on Apple M1

Docker method has only been tested on Linux, Windows, and Intel macOS. If you are on M1 macOS, use the Aptos-core source approach.

  1. Create a directory for your Aptos node composition, and pick a username for your node. e.g.

    export WORKSPACE=mainnet
    export USERNAME=alice
    mkdir ~/$WORKSPACE
    cd ~/$WORKSPACE
  2. Download the following files by following the download commands on the Node Files page:

    • validator.yaml
    • docker-compose.yaml
    • docker-compose-fullnode.yaml
    • haproxy.cfg
    • haproxy-fullnode.cfg
    • blocked.ips
  3. Generate the key pairs (node owner, voter, operator key, consensus key and networking key) in your working directory.

    aptos genesis generate-keys --output-dir ~/$WORKSPACE/keys

    This will create 4 key files under ~/$WORKSPACE/keys directory:

    • public-keys.yaml
    • private-keys.yaml
    • validator-identity.yaml, and
    • validator-full-node-identity.yaml.

    Backup your private-keys.yaml somewhere safe. These keys are important for you to establish ownership of your node. Never share private keys with anyone.

  4. Configure validator information. You need to set up a static IP / DNS address (DNS is much preferred) which can be used by the node, and make sure the network / firewalls are properly configured to accept external connections. See Network Identity For Fullnode for how to do this.

    cd ~/$WORKSPACE
    aptos genesis set-validator-configuration \
    --local-repository-dir ~/$WORKSPACE \
    --username $USERNAME \
    --owner-public-identity-file ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/public-keys.yaml \
    --validator-host <validator node IP / DNS address>:<Port> \
    --full-node-host <Full Node IP / DNS address>:<Port> \
    --stake-amount 100000000000000

    # for example, with IP:

    aptos genesis set-validator-configuration \
    --local-repository-dir ~/$WORKSPACE \
    --username $USERNAME \
    --owner-public-identity-file ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/public-keys.yaml \
    --validator-host \
    --full-node-host \
    --stake-amount 100000000000000

    # For example, with DNS:

    aptos genesis set-validator-configuration \
    --local-repository-dir ~/$WORKSPACE \
    --username $USERNAME \
    --owner-public-identity-file ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/public-keys.yaml \
    --validator-host \
    --full-node-host \
    --stake-amount 100000000000000

    This will create two YAML files in the ~/$WORKSPACE/$USERNAME directory: owner.yaml and operator.yaml.

  5. Download the following files by following the download commands on the Node Files page:

    • genesis.blob
    • waypoint.txt
  6. To recap, in your working directory, you should have a list of files:
    • docker-compose.yaml docker compose file to run validator and fullnode
    • keys folder containing:
      • public-keys.yaml: Public keys for the owner account, consensus, networking (from step 4).
      • private-keys.yaml: Private keys for the owner account, consensus, networking (from step 4).
      • validator-identity.yaml: Private keys for setting the Validator identity (from step 4).
      • validator-full-node-identity.yaml: Private keys for setting validator full node identity (from step 4).
    • username folder containing:
      • owner.yaml: define owner, operator, and voter mapping. They are all the same account in test mode (from step 5).
      • operator.yaml: Node information that will be used for both the Validator and the fullnode (from step 5).
    • waypoint.txt: The waypoint for the genesis transaction (from step 6).
    • genesis.blob The genesis binary that contains all the information about the framework, validatorSet and more (from step 6).
  7. Run docker-compose: docker-compose up. (or docker compose up depends on your version)

Now you have completed setting up your validator node. Next, set up a validator fullnode following the instructions below.

  1. Set up a validator fullnode on a different machine. Download the fullnode.yaml and docker-compose-fullnode.yaml configuration files into the working directory of fullnode machine. See Node Files for a full list of files you should download and the download commands.

  2. Edit fullnode.yaml file to update the IP address for validator node.

  3. Copy the validator-full-node-identity.yaml, download genesis.blob and waypoint.txt files into the same working directory on fullnode machine.

  4. Run docker-compose: docker-compose -f docker-compose-fullnode.yaml up.

Now you have successfully completed setting up your node.

Now proceed to connecting to the Aptos network and establishing staking pool operations.