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The SDK provides an Account class for creating and managing accounts on Aptos network.

Following AIP-55 the SDK supports Legacy and Unified authentications. Legacy includes ED25519 and MultiED25519 and Unified includes SingleSender and MultiSender authenticators.

  • SingleSender supports any single signer authenticator (currently is ED25519 and Secp256k1)
  • MultiSender supports any multi signers authenticator (Currently is MultiED25519)

The Account class supports different static methods to generate and/or derive an account

  • Account.generate()
  • Account.fromPrivateKey()
  • Account.fromPrivateKeyAndAddress()
  • Account.fromDerivationPath()

Generate a new account

To generate a new account (or a new key pair), the SDK provides a generate() static method on the Account class.

Account generation supports all current Aptos supported key schemes, Legacy Ed25519, Single Sender Ed25519 and Single Sender Secp256k1.

const account = Account.generate(); // defaults to Legacy Ed25519
const account = Account.generate({ scheme: SingingSchemeInput.Secp256k1 }); // Single Sender Secp256k1
const account = Account.generate({
scheme: SingingSchemeInput.Ed25519,
legacy: false,
}); // Single Sender Ed25519

Creating an account with the SDK creates it locally, to create the account on chain we should fund it.

const transaction = await aptos.fundAccount({
accountAddress: account.accountAddress,
amount: 100,

Derive an account from private key

The SDK supports deriving an account from a private key with fromPrivateKey() static method. This method uses a local calculation and therefore is used to derive an Account that has not had its authentication key rotated.

// to derive an account with a legacy Ed25519 key scheme
const privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey(privateKeyBytes);
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey({ privateKey });

// to derive an account with a Single Sender Ed25519 key scheme
const privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey(privateKeyBytes);
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey({ privateKey, legacy: false });

// to derive an account with a Single Sender Secp256k1 key scheme
const privateKey = new Secp256k1PrivateKey(privateKeyBytes);
const account = Account.fromPrivateKey({ privateKey });

Derive an account from private key and address

The SDK supports deriving an account from a private key and address with fromPrivateKeyAndAddress() static method.

// to derive an account with a legacy Ed25519 key scheme
const privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey(privateKeyBytes);
const accountAddress = AccountAddress.from(address);
const account = Account.fromPrivateKeyAndAddress({
address: accountAddress,
legacy: true,

// to derive an account with a Single Sender Ed25519 key scheme
const privateKey = new Ed25519PrivateKey(privateKeyBytes);
const accountAddress = AccountAddress.from(address);
const account = Account.fromPrivateKeyAndAddress({
address: accountAddress,
legacy: false,

// to derive an account with a Single Sender Secp256k1 key scheme
const privateKey = new Secp256k1PrivateKey(privateKeyBytes);
const accountAddress = AccountAddress.from(address);
const account = Account.fromPrivateKeyAndAddress({
address: accountAddress,

Derive an account from derivation path

The SDK supports deriving an account from derivation path with fromDerivationPath() static method.

// to derive an account with a legacy Ed25519 key scheme
const { mnemonic, address, path } = wallet;
const acccount = Account.fromDerivationPath({
scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Ed25519,

// to derive an account with a Single Sender Ed25519 key scheme
const { mnemonic, address, path } = wallet;
const acccount = Account.fromDerivationPath({
scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Ed25519,
legacy: false,

// to derive an account with a Single Sender Secp256k1 key scheme
const { mnemonic, address, path } = wallet;
const acccount = Account.fromDerivationPath({
scheme: SigningSchemeInput.Secp256k1Ecdsa,